

Schedule for overall development and wholesome education for the child at GHANAMATESHWAR INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL will be as follows:-

     As we prepare our students to take their place in a globalised world where they are likely to have several diverse careers and where the knowledge they will need probably doesn’t exist yet, it is essential to provide them with a curriculum that makes them ready to face the unknown. The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) is an international curriculum providing a cross-curricular, thematic, rigorous teaching structure designed to engage children of all abilities in today’s world. It has clear learning goals that either meet or exceed those of the English National Curriculum.

      The emphasis is on the student developing as a life long learner with all the skills, concepts and attitudes necessary for them to develop academically, socially, spiritually, emotionally and physically to be leaders in the 21st Century. The teacher needs to facilitate this process allowing the students to construct their own meaning and understanding.

At the heart of the IPC are the learning goals which are divided into three areas:

  • Subject specific - although these are taught in cross curricular themes it is still important that the students recognise the goals of the individual subjects which includes science, art, history, society and technology. We continue to make use of specialists to teach music PE and modern foreign languages discretely
  • Personal Development – these include:
    - Enquiry
    - Adaptability
    - Resilience
    - Morality
    - Communication
    - Thoughtfulness
    - Cooperation
    - Respect


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ADMISSION OPEN for the Academic year 2022-23

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